Standard of Right and Wrong Footnotes.

From: Essays on the Principles of Morality, and on the Private and Political Rights and Obligations of Mankind (1834).
Author: Jonathan Dymond
Published: Harper & Brothers 1834 Philadelphia


1 Dr. Price: Review of Principal Questions in Morals.
2 Theory of Moral Sentiment.
3 Evidence of Natural and Revealed Religion.
4 Religion of Nature delineated.
5 Moral and Political Philosophy.
6 Balguy; Tracts moral and theological:—Second Letter to a Deist.
7 4th & I. p. 336.
8 Pearson: Remarks on the Theory of Morals.
9 Pearson: Theory of Mor. c. I.
10 Deut. iv. 30.
11 Matt. vii. 24.
12 II Eccl. xii. 13.
13 Ps. ciii. 20.
14 Paley: Evid. of Chris. p. 2, c. 2.
15 Mor. and Pal. Phil. B.2, c.6.
16 B.6.c.12.
17 B.2.c.6.
18 Ibid.
19 Mor. & Pol. Phil. B.2, c.4.
20 B.2, c.4: Note.
21 B.6, c.3.
22 B.2. c,6.
23 B.3,p.3,c.2.
24 B.6, p.3, c.10.
25 B.2, c.9.
26 B.6, p.3 c.10.
27 Eccles. Polity; b.3, c.10.
28 Theory of Morals, c.3.
29 Principals of Mor. Phil.
30 Mor. and Pol. Phil. b.2, c.3.
31 B.6, c 12.
32 Western Isles.

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