
From: On Cambrian and Cumbrian Hills (1908)
Author: Henry S. Salt
Published: Arthur C. Fifield 1908 London


  BOOKS about British mountains are mostly of two kinds, the popular, written for the tourist, and the technical, written by the rock-climber. The author of this little study of the hills of Carnarvonshire and Cumberland is aware that it cannot claim acceptance under either of those heads, lacking as it does both the usefulness of the general “guide,” and the thrill of the cragsman’s adventure: he publishes it, nevertheless, as at least a true expression of the love which our mountains can inspire, and he will be content if it meets, here and there, with some friendly “pilgrims” whose sympathies are akin to his own.

  Nor is he without hope that his plea for the preservation of Snowdon and other mountain “sanctuaries,” before they are utterly disfigured, may give a much-needed warning while yet there is time.

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