Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito's wing that falls on the rails.ā€”Walden
Let your condiments be in the condition of your senses. To appreciate the flavor of these wild apples requires vigorous and healthy senses,Ā papillƦĀ firm and erect on the tongue and palate, not easily flattened and tamed.ā€”Cape Cod
Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.ā€”Journal, 23 August 1853
Love is a thirst that is never slaked.ā€”Journal, 28 March 1856
Love is so delicate and fastidious that I see not how [it] can ever begin. Do you expect me to love with you, unless you make my love secondary to nothing else?ā€”Journal, 14 March 1842
Love is the burden of all Nature's odes.ā€”Journal, 2 March 1840
Love never perjures itself, nor is it mistaken.ā€”Journal, 1845
Love never stands still, nor does its object. It is the revolving sun and the swelling bud. If I know what I love, it is because I remember it.ā€”Journal, 14 March 1842
Love your life, poor as it is.ā€”Walden
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.ā€”Journal, 21 January 1838
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