the Thoreau Log.
November 1849. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau surveys land on Lexington Road for Isaac Watts (A Catalog of Thoreau’s Surveys in the Concord Free Public Library, 12; Henry David Thoreau papers. Special Collections, Concord (Mass.) Free Public Library).

New Haven, Conn. The New Englander reviews the first and only issue of Æsthetic Papers and comments on Thoreau’s contribution:

  Of the odd things in the collection, the queerest is the Essay on Resistance to Civil Government by Mr. Thoreau, a man who refuses to pay all taxes and has been imprisoned in consequence, we know not how many times; but he writes straight on what he thinks, and it is no slight matter, to be able to know by actual inspection, that such a man as this breathes and lives in New England.

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