the Thoreau Log.
after 16 January 1842. Concord, Mass.

Lidian Jackson Emerson writes to her sister Lucy Jackson Brown:

  You have received my letter with the news of J Thoreau’s [John Thoreau Jr.] death, I suppose before this time. Mr E [Ralph Waldo Emerson] gave it to G. P. B. [George Patridge Bradford] to take to you. Seldom has a death caused a more general feeling of regret—every one speaks in praise of the departed—heartily too not in commonplace expressions. Mr Frost [Brazillai Frost] preached last Sunday a funeral sermon in which he portrayed an uncommonly beautiful character and yet did no more than justice as it seemed to me. Henry behaves worthily of himself. He says John is not lost but nearer to him than ever for he knows him better than he ever did before and to know a friend better brings him nearer. I asked him if this sudden fate gave any shock to John when he first was aware of his danger. He said “none at all.” After J. had taken leave of all the family he said to Henry now sit down and talk to me of Nature and Poetry. I shall be a good listener for it is difficult for me to interrupt you. During the hour in which he died, he looked at Henry with “a transcendent smile full of Heaven” (I think this was H’s expression) and Henry “found himself returning it and this was the last communication that passed between them.” A few weeks I believe before John’s death he gave Sophia [Sophia Thoreau] some verses he had written religious verses. Mr Frost introduced them in his sermon—Mr E. thinks them very good which is great praise if his fastidious taste is correct—
(The Selected Letters of Lidian Jackson Emerson, 100)

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