the Thoreau Log.
9 May 1862.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau’s funeral service is held at 3:00 p.m. He is buried in the New Burying Ground (but later moved to Sleepy Hollow Cemetery). Ralph Waldo Emerson delivers the eulogy, which is later printed (in a modified version) in the August Atlantic Monthly (Atlantic Monthly, vol. 10, no. 58 (August 1862):239-249).

William Ellery Channing’s “To Henry” is sung at Thoreau’s funeral:

Hear’st thou the sobbing breeze complain,
  How faint the sunbeams light the shore?—
  His heart more fixed than earth or main,
Henry! that faithful heart is o’er.

Oh, weep not thou thus vast a soul,
  Oh, do not mourn this lordly man,
As long as Walden’s waters roll,
  And Concord river fills a span.

For thoughtful minds in Henry’s page
  Large welcome find, and bless his verse,
Drawn from the poet’s heritage,
  From wells of right and nature’s source.

Fountains of hope and faith! inspire
  Most stricken hearts to lift this cross;
His perfect trust shall keep the fire,
  His glorious peace disarm all loss!

A. Bronson Alcott writes in his journal:

  Again in village, and leave word at school for teachers to dismiss their schools for funeral. 2 P.M. Anna and Louisa accompany me to the church.
  “As surely as the sunset in my latest November shall translate me to the ethereal world and remind me of the ruddy morning of youth; as surely as the last strain of music which falls on my decaying ear shall make age to be forgotten, or, in short, the manifold influences of nature survive during the term of our natural life, so surely my friend shall be my friend and reflect a ray of God to me, and time shall foster and adorn and consecrate our friendship no less than the ruins of temples. As I love nature, as I love singing birds and gleaming stubble, and flowing rivers, and morning and evening, and summer and winter, I love thee, my friend.”

  “There have been heroes for whom this world seemed expressly prepared, as if creation had at last succeeded; whose daily life was the stuff of which our dreams are made, and whose present enhanced the beauty and ampleness of nature herself where they walked.”

  “A more copious air invests the fields and clothes with purple light, and they know their own sun and stars. They have the heavens for their abettors, as those who have never stood from under them; they look at the stars with an answering ray. Our present senses are but the rudiments of what they are destined to become. Every generation makes the discovery that its divine vigor has been dissipated and each sense and faculty misapplied and debauched. The ears are made to hear celestial sounds; the eyes to behold beauty not invisible. Did not he that made that which is within make that which is without also? May we not see God? It is but a thin soil where we stand. I have felt my roots in a richer ere this. I have seen a bunch of violets in a glass vase, tied loosely with a wisp of straw, which reminded me of myself.”

  Hawthorne [Nathaniel Hawthorne] and family, Blake [H.G.O. Blake] and Brown [Theophilus Brown] from Worcester, J.T. Fields [James T. Fields] and wife and Alger [William Rounseville Alger] from Boston, and many of his townspeople and children of the schools attend the funeral. He is laid in the burying-ground back of the meeting house, near the North Primary School House.

  Afterwards interred in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, next to my lot and opposite Hawthorne’s.

(The Journals of Bronson Alcott, 347-348)

New Bedford, Mass. Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  Rode to town with Louisa; got ambrotype of Henry D. Thoreau at Dunshee’s. Arranged H.D. Thoreau’s letters to me, 27 in all, commencing Oct., 1854, and ending Oct. 14, 1861. His first visit to me was Dec., 1854, and his last in August 1861; during the interval he visited me at least once a year.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 321)

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