the Thoreau Log.
9 February 1839. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  It takes a man to make a room silent (Journal, 1:73).

Thoreau’s brother John advertises the Concord Academy in the Yeoman’s Gazette. The advertisements continue in every issue through 13 April.

Concord Academy.
  The Above School will be continued under the care of the subscriber, after the commencement of the spring term, Monday, March 11th.
Terms for the Quarter:
English branches, $4.00
Languages included 6.00
He will be assisted in the classical department by Henry D. Thoreau, the present instructor.

N. B. Writing will be particularly attended to.

John Thoreau, Jr., Preceptor.
Concord, Feb. 9, 1838

(Yeoman’s Gazette, 9 Feb 1839:3)

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