the Thoreau Log.
8 May 1862. Concord, Mass.

A. Bronson Alcott writes in his journal:

  I am in the village arranging about Henry’s funeral at the church. Mr. Emerson [Ralph Waldo Emerson] wishes to read an address on Henry, a brief sermon. Channing [William Ellery Channing] writes some verses, and I will read appropriate passages from Henry’s books. Mr. Reynolds [Grindall Reynolds] will pray and read from the scriptures; the verse will be sung by the choir.
(The Journals of Bronson Alcott, 347)

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to James Thomas Fields:

My dear Sir,

  Come tomorrow & bring Mrs Fields to my house. We will give you a very early dinner. Mr Channing is to write a hymn or dirge for the funeral, which is to be from the church, at 3 o’clock. I am to make an address, & probably Mr Alcott may say something.

R. W. Emerson

(The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 5:272)

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