the Thoreau Log.
8 July 1855. North Truro, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  A northeasterly storm. A great part of beach bodily removed and a rock five feet high exposed—before invisible—opposite lighthouse . . .

  Went over to Bay side. That pond at Pond Village three eighths of a mile long and densely filled with cat-tail flag seven feet high . . .

  S. [James Small] said that nineteen small yellow birds (probably goldfinches) were found dead under the light in the spring early.

(Journal, 7:434-436)

Thoreau also writes to H.G.O. Blake:

  There being no packet, I did not leave Boston till last Thursday, though I came down on Wednesday, and Channing with me. There is no public house here; but we are boarding with Mr. James Small, the keeper, in a little house attached to the Highland Lighthouse.It is true the table is not so clean as could be desired, but I have found it much superior in that respect to the Provincetown hotel. They are what is called “good livers.” Our host has another larger and very good house, within a quarter of a mine, unoccupied, where he says he can accommodate several more. He is a very good man to deal with,—has often been the representative of the town, and is perhaps the most intelligent man in it. I shall probably stay here as much as ten days longer: board $3.50 per week. So you and [Theo] Brown had better come down forth with. You will find either the schooner Melrose or another, or both, leaving Commerce Street, or else T wharf, at 9am (it commonly means 10), Tuesdays Thursdays, and Saturdays, if not other days. We left about 10 am, and reached Provincetown at 5pm,—a very good run. A stage runs up the Cape every morning but Sunday, starting 4 ½ am and reaches the postoffice in North Truro, seven miles from Provincetown, and one from the lighthouse, about 6 o’clock. If you arrive at P. before night, you can walk over, and leave your baggage to be sent. You can also come by car from Boston to Yarmouth, and thence be staged forty miles more,—though every day, but it costs much more, and is not so pleasant. Come by all means, for it is the best place to see the ocean in these states. I hope I shall be worth meeting.

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 377-378)

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