the Thoreau Log.
8 February 1860. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau lectures on “Wild Apples” for the Concord Lyceum (“Wild Apples“).

Thoreau also writes in his journal:

  2 P.M.—Up river to Fair Haven Hill . . . (Journal, 13:129-133).

A. Bronson Alcott writes in his journal:

  Thoreau and his lecture on “Wild Apples” before the Lyceum. It is a piece of exquisite sense, a celebrating of the infinity of nature, exemplified with much learning and original observation, beginning with the apple in Eden and down to the wildings in our woods. I listened with uninterrupted interest and delight, and it told on the good company present.
(The Journals of Bronson Alcott, 326)

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