the Thoreau Log.
8 April 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  6 A.M.—To Clamshell Hill . . .

  P.M.—To Lee’s Cliff via Clamshell . . .

  At Nut Meadow Brook saw, or rather heard, a muskrat plunge into the brook before me, and saw him endeavoring in vain to bury himself in the sandy bottom, looking like an amphibious animal . . . At Heart-leaf Pond the croaking frogs are in full blast . . .

  Saw a large bird sail along over the edge of Wheeler’s cranberry meadow just below Fair Haven . . .

  Saw several yellow redpolls (Sylvia petechia) on the willows by the Hubbard Bridge . . .

(Journal, 6:187-191)

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