the Thoreau Log.
7 May 1862.

Concord, Mass. A. Bronson Alcott writes in his journal:

  I am at Mrs. Thoreau’s. She tells me about Henry’s last moments and his sister Sophia showed me his face, looking as when I last saw him, only a tinge of paler hue. 44 years last July. It is the departure of many persons from our population, and leaves the town greatly the poorer in virtue and expectation.
(The Journals of Bronson Alcott, 347)

New Bedford, Mass. Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  Heard of the death of my valued and respected friend, Henry D. Thoreau, who died at his home in Concord yesterday, aged 44 years. An irreparable loss; one of the best and truest of men, Non ominis moriar (Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 321).

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