the Thoreau Log.
7 December 1858.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau writes in his journal:

  To Boston. At Natural History Rooms . . . Dr. Bryant calls my seringo (i. e. the faint-noted bird) Savannah sparrow . . . (Journal, 11:366-367).

Cambridge, Mass. Thoreau checks out Voyages curieux et nouveau de Messieurs Hennepin et de La Borde, ou l’on voit une description trè particuliere d’un grand pays dans l’Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique, et la mer Glaciale by Louis Hennepin, Relations de la Louisianne et du Mississippi by Henri de Tonti, and Relation of the Voyages, Discoveries, and Death of Father James Marquette by Jacque Marquette from Harvard College Library (Emerson the Essayist, 2:198; Thoreau’s Reading, 161). See entry 19 December.

New Bedford, Mass. Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  December 7th, Tuesday. Dull and cloudy. In town this A.M. Saw Channing at the Mercury office, who informed of Thoreau’s intended visit to me with his English friend, Thomas Cholmondeley, of Hodnet, Shropshire. Received a letter from Thoreau on the arrival of the morning mail to this end. At home this P.M., went to the depot at head of the river (Tarkiln Hill) on arrival of evening train from Boston, where I met Thoreau and his friend Cholmondeley. Spent evening in the Shanty with them, talking of the English poets – Gray, Tennyson, Wordsworth, etc. Retired at ten o’clock.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 309-310)

Boston, Mass. Ticknor & Fields writes to Thoreau:

Henry D. Thoreau Esq Concord Mass.  

  Dear Sir

  Referring to our file of letters from 1857 we find a note from you of which the enclosed is a copy.

  As our letter to which it is a reply was missent we doubt not but our answer to yours of a few months since has been subjected to the same, or a similar irregularity.

Respectfully yours &c.

Ticknor & Fields

pr Clark

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 532)

Log Index

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