the Thoreau Log.
5 July 1849. Cambridge, Mass.

Louis Agassiz writes in reply to Thoreau’s letter of 30 June:

Dear Sir,

  I remember with much pleasure the time you used to send me specimens from your vicinity and also our short interview in the Marlborough Chapel. I am under too many obligations of your kindness to forget it, and I am very sorry that I missed your visit in Boston, but for 18 months I have now been settled in Cambridge.

  It would give me great pleasure to engage for the lectures you ask from me, on behalf of the Bangor Lyceum; but I find it has been last winter such an heavy tax upon my health, that I wish for the present to make no engagements, as I have some hopes of making my living this year by other efforts and beyond the necessity of my wants, both domestic and scientific. I am determined not to exert myself, as all the time I can thus secure to myself must be exclusively devoted to science . You see this does not look much like business making; but my only business is my intercourse with nature and could I do without draughtsmen, lithographers &c &c I would live still more retired. This will satisfy you, that whenever you come this way, I shall be delighted to see you, since I have also heard something of your mode of living.

  With great regard

  Sincerely yours

  L R Agassiz

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 244)

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