the Thoreau Log.
4 July 1855. Boston, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  To Boston on way to Cape Cod with C. [William Ellery Channing].

  The schooner Melrose was advertised to make her first trip to Provincetown this morning at eight. We reached City Wharf at 8.30. “Well, Captain Crocker, how soon do you start?” “To-morrow morning at 9 o’clock.” “But you advertised to leave at 8 this morning.” “I know it but we are going to lay over till to-morrow.” ! ! ! So we spend the day in Boston,—at Athenaeum gallery, Alcott’s, [A. Bronson Alcott] and at the regatta. Lodged at Alcott’s, who is about moving to Walpole.

(Journal, 7:431-432)

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