the Thoreau Log.
4 April 1852. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P. M.—Going across Wheeler’s large field beyond Potter’s, saw a large flock of small birds go by . . . Went round Bear Garden Hill to the bank of the river . . .

  It is refreshing to stand on the face of the Cliff and see the water gliding over the surface of the almost perpendicular rock in a broad thin sheet, pulsing over it . . .

  I see the snow lying thick on the south side of the Peterboro Hills . . .

  I see the old circular shore of Fair Haven, where the tops of the button-bushes, willows, etc., rise above the water. This pond is now open; only a little ice against the Pleasant Meadow . . .

(Journal, 3:389-392)

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