the Thoreau Log.
31 December 1859. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Thermometer at 7.45 A.M., -1º, yet even more vapor is rising from the open water below my boat’s place than on the 29th, when it was -15º . . .

  At 10 A.M., thermometer 18º . . .

  P.M.—To the sweet-gale meadow or swamp up Assabet . . .

  A man may be old and infirm. What, then, are the thoughts he thinks? what the life he lives? They and it are, like himself, infirm. But a man may be young, athletic, active, beautiful. Then, too, his thoughts will be like his person. They will wander in a living and beautiful world. If you are well, then how brave you are! How you hope! You are conversant with joy! A man thinks as well through his legs and arms as his brain . . .

(Journal, 13:65-70)

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