the Thoreau Log.
31 December 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Four more inches of snow fell last making in all now two feet on a level.

  P.M.—Down railroad to Walden and circle round to right, through Wheeler’s woods out to railroad again.

  It is a remarkable sight, this snow-clad landscape, with the fences and bushes half buried and the warm sun on it. The snow lies not quite level in the fields, but in low waves with an abrupt edge on the north or wind side, as it lodges on ice.

  The town and country are now so still, there being no rattle of wagons nor even jingle of sleigh-bells, every tread being as with woolen feet, I hear very distinctly from the railroad causeway the whistle of the locomotive on the Lowell road . . .

(Journal, 6:38-41)

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