the Thoreau Log.
30 September 1855. New Bedford, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Rode with R. [Daniel Ricketson] to Sassacowens Pond, in the north part of New Bedford on the Taunton road, called also Toby’s Pond, from Jonathan Toby, who lives close by, who has a famous lawsuit about a road he built to Taunton years ago, which he has not got paid for . . .

  Thence we proceeded to Long Pond, stopping at the south end, which is in Freetown, about eight miles from R’s. The main part is in Middleborough . . .

  Went to a place easterly from the south end of the pond, called Joe’s Rock, just over the Rochester line… Went into an old deserted house, the Brady house, where two girls who had lived in the family of R. and his mother had been born and bred, their father Irish, and mother Yankee . . .

  Arthur Ricketson showed me in his collection what was apparently (?) an Indian mortar, which had come from Sampson’s in Middleborough . . .

(Journal, 7:465-468)

Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  Rather unsettled, but quite a fine day. Visited with Thoreau Sassaquin and Long Ponds, also “Joe’s Rocks.” Left about ten A.M. and returned about six P.M. in buggy wagon with old Charley, who performed his work with great spirit.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 281)

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