the Thoreau Log.
30 September 1846. New York, N.Y.

Horace Greeley writes to Thoreau:

  I learned to-day, through Mr. [Rufus Wilmot] Griswold, former editor of ‘Graham’s Magazine,’ that your lecture is accepted, to appear in that magazine. Of course it is to be paid for at the usual rate, as I expressly so stated when I inclosed it to [George Rex] Graham. He has not written me a word on the subject, which induces me to think he may have written you. Please write me if you would have me speak further on the subject. The pay, however, is sure, though the amount may not be large, and I think you may wait until the article appears, before making further stipulations on the subject.
(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 170)

Concord, Mass. Ralph Waldo Emerson advances Thoreau $15 (Ralph Waldo Emerson’s account books. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.).

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