the Thoreau Log.
30 March 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  6 A.M.—To Island.

  First still hour since the afternoon of the 17th. March truly came in like a lamb and went out like a lion this year . . .

  Read an interesting article on Étienne Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, the friend and contemporary of Cuvier, though opposed to him in his philosophy. He believed species to be variable . . .

(Journal, 6:177-179)

A petition is sent to Ralph Waldo Emerson, signed by many Concordians including Thoreau, his sister, Sophia, and his parents, requesting him to deliver as many of the lectures that he has given abroad the past winter, and promising to repay him with “an eager attention” (MS, Houghton Library, Harvard University).

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