the Thoreau Log.
3 May 1855. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P.M.—To Assabet Bath.

  Hard-hack leafed two or maybe three days in one place. Early pyrus leafed yesterday or day before . . .

  I first observed the stillness of birds, etc., at noon, with the increasing warmth, on the 23d of April. Sitting on the bank near the stone-heaps, I see large suckers rise to catch insects,—sometimes leap. A butterfly one inch in alar extent, dark, velvety brown with slate-colored tips, on dry leaves. On the north of Groton Turnpike beyond Abel Hosmer’s . . .

(Journal, 7:352-354)

Concord, Mass. Franklin B. Sanborn writes in his journal:

  This afternoon at 4, Mr Emerson called at my school house door and we started on our long proposed walk to Baker Farm, whose beauties Ellery Channing has sung, and Thoreau hinted at . . . (Transcendental Climate, 225).

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