the Thoreau Log.
3 December 1843.

Concord, Mass. Sophia Peabody Hawthorne writes to Thoreau:

Mr Thoreau,

  Will you be kind enough to take to New York the letter to Mr [John Louis] O’Sullivan, & if it be convenient for you, to carry my letters to Boston? If you cannot call at West st, it is just as well to put it into the Boston Post Office.

S A. Hawthorne

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 151)

Boston, Mass. Charles Lane writes to Thoreau:

Dear Friend

  As well as my wounded hands permit I have scribbled something for friend [Isaac Thomas] Hecker which if agreeable may be the opportunity for entering into closer relations with him; a course I think likely to be mutually encouraging, as well as beneficial to all men. But let it reach him in the manner most conformable to your own feelings.

  That from all perils of a false position you may shortly be relieved and landed in the position where you feel “at home” is the sincere wish of your most friendly

Charles Lane

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 152)

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