the Thoreau Log.
3 April 1848. New York, N.Y.

Horace Greeley writes to Thoreau:

My Friend Thoreau:

  I have but this moment received yours of 31st ult. and was greatly relieved by the breaking of your long silence. Yet it saddens and surprises me to know that your article was not paid for by Graham; and, since my honor is involved in the matter, I will see that you are paid, and that at no distant day. I shall not forget the matter, and hope you will not feel annoyed at my interference in the business. I choose to speak about it, and don’t believe Graham will choose to differ with me. Don’t fear for my time; I expect to visit Philadelphia on my own business next week, and will have time to look into the matter.

  As to “Katahdin and the Maine Woods,” I will take it and send you the money if I cannot dispose of it more to your advantage within the week ensuing. I hope I can.

Horace Greeley

(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 217)

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