the Thoreau Log.
3 April 1843. Concord, Mass.

Ralph Waldo Emerson gives Thoreau $10 as he prepares to leave for Staten Island, N.Y. (Ralph Waldo Emerson’s account books. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.).

Emerson writes to his brother on 8 September:

  Apr. . . 3 Cash to H D Thoreau on a/c W E 10.00 (The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3:206).

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to his brother William:

  Mr Thoreau was about to write you today that he would hold himself ready to come with Mrs E. on the 1st of May. I told him I would say so. One thing Henry remarks in your letter that you promise a room with fire to himself for most of the day—He says that if he remains until winter he shall wish to make a special arrangement. This is in winter when the evening is the best part of the day for study, a matter of vital importance to all book reading & book writing men, to be at night the autocrat of a chamber be it never so small—6 feet by 6,—wherein to dream, write, & declaim alone. Henry has always had it, & always must. He can very well sleep all the year without fire in his apartment. I do not see that this will be inconvenient to you. You can take the library in the evening, & give him the basement, or give him the library when you wish the basement.
(The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3:162-163)

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