the Thoreau Log.
29 September 1851. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P. M.—To Goose Pond via E. Hosmer’s; return by Walden . . .

  Found Hosmer carting out manure from under his barn to make room for the winter. He said he was tired of farming, he was too old. Quoted Webster as saying that he had never eaten the bread of idleness for a single day, and thought that Lord Brougham might have said as much with truth while he was in the opposition, but he did not know that he could say as much of himself. However, he did not wish to be idle, he merely wished to rest. Looked on Walden from the hill with the sawed pine stump on the north side.

(Journal, 3:34-36)

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