the Thoreau Log.
29 June 1851. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  There is a great deal of white clover this year. In many fields where there has been no clover seed sown for many years at least, it is more abundant than the red, and the heads are nearly as large . Also pastures which are close cropped, and where I think there was little or no clover last year, are spotted white with humbler growth. And everywhere, by roadsides, garden borders, etc., even where the sward is trodden hard, the small white heads on short sterns are sprinkled everywhere. As this is the season for the swarming of bees, and this clover is very attractive to them, it is probably the more difficult to secure them; at any rate it is the more important to secure their services now that they can make honey so fast. It is an interesting inquiry why this year is so favorable to the growth of clover!
(Journal, 2:271-277)

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