the Thoreau Log.
29 June 1838. Concord, Mass.

Prudence Ward writes to her brother Dennis:

  Mr T’s potatoes & squashes look [finely?]—& Henry’s melons are flourishing—He has over sixty hills, & we are like to have an abundance—He was much troubled with the cut-worm . . .

  J’s school is flourishing—There are four boys from Boston boarding with us. I don’t doubt it would have been very pleasant to Ellen on several accounts to have passed the summer with you—but I am not surprised she couldn’t be spared. I want she should make us a visit of [a] week or two . . .

  Tell little Mary that we have a black kitten, & that the martins have driven away the bluebirds & taken possession of their box.

(MS, Special Collections, Middlebury College Library, Middlebury, Vt.)

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