the Thoreau Log.
29 August 1858. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P.M.—To J. Farmer’s via Assabet . .

  Before bathing at the Pokelogan, I see and hear a school of large suckers, which have come into this narrow bay and are swiftly dashing about and rising to the surface, with a bubbling sound, as if to snatch something from the surface . . .

  J. Farmer shot a sharp-shinned hawk this morning, which was endeavoring to catch one of his chickens. I bring it home and find that it measures seventeen inches in length and thirty in alar extent, and the tail extends four inches beyond the closed wings . . .

  Returning, rather late afternoon, we saw some forty martins sitting in a row and twittering on the ridge of his old house, apparently preparing to migrate . . .

(Journal, 11:130-137)

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