the Thoreau Log.
28 October 1848. New York, N.Y.

Horace Greeley writes to Thoreau:

  I break a silence of some duration to inform you that I hope on Monday to receive payment for your glorious account of “Ktaadn and the Maine Woods,” which I bought of you at a Jew’s bargain, and sold to the “Union Magazine.” I am to get $75 for it, and, as I don’t choose to exploiter you at such a rate, I shall insist on inclosing you $25 more in this letter, which will still leave me $25 to pay various charges and labors I have incurred in selling your articles and getting paid for them,—the latter by far the more difficult portion of the business. You must write to the magazines in order to let the public know who and what you are. Ten years hence will do for publishing books.
(The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau, 231-232)

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