the Thoreau Log.
28 November 1853.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Saw boys skating in Cambridgeport,—the first ice to bear. Settled with J. Munroe & Co., and on a new account placed twelve of my books with him on sale . . . Saw at the Natural History rooms the skeleton of a moose with horns . . .

  Dr. Harris [Thaddeus William Harris] described to me his finding a species of cicindela at the White Mountains this fall (the same he had found there one species some time age), supposed to be very rare, found at St Peter’s River and at Lake Superior; but he proves it to be common near the White Mountains.

(Journal, 5:521-522)

Cambridge, Mass. Thoreau checks out Observations on the coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent and Three essays: On picturesque beauty; On picturesque travel; and On sketching landscape: with a poem on landscape painting by William Gilpin and Relation de ce qui s’est passé en la Nouvelle France, 1640 [& 1641?] and 1642 & 1643, from Harvard College Library (Companion to Thoreau’s Correspondence, 290; Thoreau’s Reading).

Boston, Mass. Thoreau checks out Schoolcraft’s Historical and statistical information respecting the history, condition, and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States, part 3, from the Boston Society of Natural History (Emerson Society Quarterly, no. 24 (March 1952):25; Thoreau’s Reading).

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