the Thoreau Log.
28 March 1842. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  How often must one feel, as he looks back on his past life, that he has gained a talent but lost a character! My life has got down into my fingers. My inspiration at length is only so much breath as I can breathe.

  Society affects to estimate men by their talents, but really feels and knows them by their characters. What a man does, compared with what he is, is but a small part. To require that our friend possess a certain skill is not to be satisfied till he is something less than our friend.

  Friendship should be great promise, a perennial springtime.

  I can conceive how the life of the gods may be dull and tame, if it is not disappointed and insatiate.

(Journal, 1:352-354)

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