the Thoreau Log.
28 June 1861. Carp River, Mich.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  By propeller Edith to Mackinaw. Milwaukee best harbor on lake of settled places & shoal & rocky at south end of lake. Good harbors behind islands & at Traverse Bay in northeast. 9 miles wide & cannot see across, but see land loom sometimes on each side form middle . . .

  28th at eve leave Sheboygan & steam north-east to Carp River (Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 25).

Horace Mann Jr. writes to his mother Mary twice, the first being a postscript to his letter of 27 June:

We started this morning in the propeller Edith for Mackinaw. It is a beautiful morning. We are all well. Goodbye, your loving son

Horace Mann

(Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 60)
Dear Mother

  As you see by the date we are on Lake Michigan. It is a beautiful day again, though it is a little cloudy this afternoon, & a little cool on the lake.

  We bought our tickets for Boston this morning for which we paid $20.15 over $5.00 cheaper than the way we came out. The tickets are via Goderich, Stratford, Ogdensburg, Rouse’s Point, Vermont Central R.R. and Lowell to Boston. We have a lay over ticket by which we can stay as long as we please at Mackinaw, which will be, I think, about 5 days. We shall then come right home, stopping somewhere over Sunday [7 July].

(Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 60)

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