the Thoreau Log.
27 October 1855. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P.M.—A-chestnutting down the Turnpike.

  There are many fringed gentians, now considerably frost-bitten, in what was E. Hosmer’s meadow between his dam and the road. It is high time we came a-nutting, for the nuts have nearly all fallen, and you must depend on what you can fold on the ground, left by the squirrels, and cannot shake down any more to speak of . . .

  To appreciate, the flavor of those wild apples requires vigorous and healthv senses, papillæ firm and erect on the tongue and palete, not easily tamed and flattened. Some of those apples might be labelled, “To be eaten in the wind.”

(Journal, 7:520-521)

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