the Thoreau Log.
27 May 1854.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau writes in his journal:

  P.M.—To Saw Mill Brook.

  Geum rivale, a day or two at Hubbard’s Close; also the Rubus trifloras abundant there along the brook next the maple swamp, and still in bloom. Wild pinks (Silene), apparently a day or two. The red-eye is an indefatigable singer,—a succession of short bars with hardly an interval long continued . . .

(Journal, 6:305-306)

London, England. Athenaeum writes that Thoreau is a graduate of Harvard and qualified as a minister, but is presently a pencil manufacturer. Notes that he moved to a hut on the shore of Walden Pond where he lived in a primitive manner and wrote A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers: “a curious mixture of dull and prolix dissertation, with some of the most faithful and animated descriptions of external nature which has ever appeared.”

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