the Thoreau Log.
27 August 1851. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  The vervain which I examined by the railroad the other day has still a quarter of an inch to the top of its spikes . Hawkweed groundsel (Senecio hieracifolius) (fireweed). Rubus sempervirens, evergreen raspberry, the small low blackberry, is now in fruit. The Medeola Virginica, cucumber-root, the whorl-leaved plant, is now in green fruit. Polygala cruciata, cross-leaved polygala, in the meadow between Trillium Woods and railroad . This is rare and new to me. It has a very sweet, but as it were intermittent, fragrance, as of checkerberry and mayflowers combined. The handsome calyx-leaves.
(Journal, 2:427)

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