the Thoreau Log.
26 March 1855. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  6 A.M.—Still cold and blustering; wind southwest, but clear.

  I see a muskrat-house just erected, two feet or more above the water and sharp; and at Hubbard Bath, a mink comes teetering along the ice by the side of the river. I am between him and the sun, and he does not notice me.

  P.M.—Sail down to the Great Meadows.

  A strong wind with snow driving from the west and thickening the, air. The farmers pause to see me scud before it. At last I land and walk further down on the meadow-bank. I scare up several flocks of ducks.

(Journal, 7:270-272)

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