the Thoreau Log.
25 November 1847. Concord, Mass.

Lidian Jackson Emerson writes to her husband Ralph Waldo:

  The three children & Mama at the worktable . . . Edie. Mr Thoreau puts Eddy in a chair, and then takes up Eddy in it, and carries it about the room.

  Eddy. Write to Father that Edie’s got a book & a cabinet on her birth day.

  Edie. I had a wreath on my head, Thanksgiving; cause my birth day was on Monday. Mr Thoreau jumps us every night.

  Eddy. Mother, and tell him Mr Thoreau jumped a chair over me tonight! . . .

  Why have you sent no news-papers that will tell us how you prosper with the English Brethren? Henry says I must make it a special request from him that you will not fail to do so. Pray send all. Surely you will not think it un-modest to send the good said of your lectures nor of course be unwilling to send the evil reports if such there they should be.

(The Selected Letters of Lidian Jackson Emerson, 138-139)

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