the Thoreau Log.
25 May 1857. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  With Ricketson to my boat under Fair Haven Hill . . . Though the river is thus high, we bathe at Cardinal Shore and find the water unexpectedly warm and the air also delicious. Thus we are baptized into nature (Journal, 9:378-379).

Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  On the river with Thoreau in his boat this P.M. The excursion upon the Concord River this P.M. with Thoreau in his boat and was very pleasant, although when we started I hardly felt able to walk to the boat, which was upon the shore, some distance up the river, near Fairhaven Bay. But after a bath and swim with T. I felt much refreshed and my dull headache passed gradually off . . . Thoreau accompanied me to my room, and after a long talk upon character, &c., I retired at 10.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 303-304)

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