the Thoreau Log.
25 May 1856. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  10 A.M.—To Fair Haven Pond with Blake [H.G.O. Blake] and Brown [Theophilus Brown].

  I found five arrowheads at Clamshell Hill. Saw, just before, on the flat meadow on the right, feeding on the edge of the meadow just left bare, along with the peetweets, a bird a size larger with an apparently light-brown back, a ring or crescent of black on its breast and side of neck, and a black patch including the eye. Can it be the Charadrius semipalmatus? or else Wilsonius? It looks like the latter in Wilson’s larger plates. It reminded me of the piping plover, but was not so white; and of the killdeer, but was not so large . . .

(Journal, 8:355-356)

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