the Thoreau Log.
25 January 1843.

Philadelphia, Penn. Ralph Waldo Emerson writes to his wife Lidian:

  Where is Henry’s letter that I heard of, & how is he . . . Have J Munroe & Co sent their account? If so can you or can Henry decipher the result of it whether the balance is for me & if so, what (The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 3:134)?

Concord, Mass. Caroline Ward Sewall writes to her husband Edmund:

  PM . . . I am invited to spend the day at Mr. Thoreau’s [John Thoreau Sr.] tomorrow. Henry has called, and I saw him at his father’s, and at Mr. Emerson’s [Ralph Waldo Emerson] where he said a little in the conversation. (transcript in The Thoreau Society Archives at the Thoreau Institute at Walden Woods; MS, private owner).

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