the Thoreau Log.
25 August 1860. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  2 P.M.—To Clamshell.

  See a large lien-haN%k sailing over Hubbard’s meadow and Clamshell, soaring at last very high and toward the north . . . (Journal, 14:61-62).

A. Bronson Alcott writes to Robert Montgomery Smith Jackson:

  I owe you my hearty thanks for the gift of your Book on “The Mountain” . . . The first Parts I read a year since in Thoreau’s copy . . .

  I hope the “Atlantic Monthly” is to speak the good word for you. Emerson will see that it does. My neighbour Hawthorne is now reading your Book admiringly: And Thoreau, who has been busty with Monadnoc, for the last ten days, tells me he shall acknowledge your gift presently.

(The Letters of Amos Bronson Alcott, 315; Thoreau Society Bulletin 75 (Spring 1961):2)

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