the Thoreau Log.
25 August 1852. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Cape Wrath, the northwest cape of Scotland. What a good name for a cape lying far away, dark, over the water, under a lowering sky!

  P.M.—To Conantum.

  The dandelion blooms again . . .

  At length, before sundown, it begins to rain. You can hardly say when it began, and now, after dark, the sound of it dripping and pattering without is quite cheering. It is long since I heard it. One of those serious and normal storms, not a shower which you can see through, something regular, a fall (?) rain, coincident with a different mood or season of the mind, not a transient cloud that drops rain . . .

(Journal, 4:318-320)

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