the Thoreau Log.
24 May 1857. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  A.M.—To Hill.

  White ash, apparently yesterday, at Grape Shore but not at Conantum. What a singular appearance for some weeks its great masses of dark-purple anthers have made, fruit-like on the trees!

  A very warm morning. Now the birds sing more than ever, methinks, now, when the leaves are fairly expanding, the first really warm summer days . . .

(Journal, 9:377-378)

Daniel Ricketson writes in his journal:

  Sunday fine and warm—wind light. Thermometer at 86 above zero north side of Mr. Thoreau’s house at 2 P.M. Rowed upon the river with Thoreau this afternoon. Walked up Lee’s Hill and visited the old Lee farm, the house having been lately burned The barn and henhouses are complete affairs. Dined at Mr. Thoreau’s; spent part of the P.M. in my room at [William Ellery] Channing’s houses talking with Thoreau upon various topics. Took a long walk this P.M., leaving at four and returning at seven to the cliff with Mr. [Ralph Waldo Emerson] and Mrs. [Lydian Jackson] Emerson, their two daughters, Ellen and Edith, son Edward, and my friend Thoreau; had tea and spent the remainder of the evening with the Emerson’s. Much pleased with Mrs. E.’s fine sense and sensibility as well as humanity, topics relative to which were the principal part of my conversation with her on the walk this P.M.
(Daniel Ricketson and His Friends, 303)

Ralph Waldo Emerson writes in his journal on 25 May about the events of 24 May:

  Yesterday at the Cliff, with a family party, and Henry Thoreau and [Daniel] Ricketson . . . At home,—Expressed some sad views of life and religion. A thunderstorm is a terror to him, and his theism is Judaical. Henry thought a new pear-tree was more to purpose, etc., but said better, that an ecstasy was never interrupted. A theology of this kind is as good a meter or yardstick as any other. If i can be scared by a highwayman or a thunderclap, I should say my performances were not very high, and should at once be mended.
(EJ, 9:94)

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