the Thoreau Log.
24 May 1854. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  4.30 A.M.—To Cliffs.

  A considerable fog, but already rising and retreating to the river. There are dewy cobwebs on the grass. The morning came in and awakened me early,—for I slept with a window open,—and the chip-bird was heard also. As I go along the causeway the [sun] rises red, with a great red halo, through the fog. When I reach the hill, the fog over the river already has its erectile feathers up. I am a little too late. But the level expanse of it far in the east, now lit by the sun, with countless tree-tops like oases seen through it, reminds of vast tracts of sand and of the seashore . . .

(Journal, 6:295-302)

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