the Thoreau Log.
24 April 1858. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  I go at 8 A.M. to catch frogs to compare with the R. palustris and bullfrog which I have, but I find it too cold for them. Though I walk more than a mile along the river, I do not get sight of one, and only of one or two turtles. Neither do I find any more frogs (though many Emys picta) at 4 P.M., it being still cold . . .
(Journal, 10:382-384)

Thoreau also writes to John Langdon Sibley:

  I return to the Library the ‘Memoir of the Am. Academy’ vol. 1. Will you please send me the next three volumes of the Relations of the Jesuits, after that for 1664-5, which are in the Library? (Paul C. Richards Autographs 15, issue 7:19)

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