the Thoreau Log.
23 November 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  6 A.M.—To Swamp Bridge Brook mouth . . .

  By 8 o’clock the misty clouds disperse, and it turns out a pleasant, calm, and springlike morning. The water, going down, but still spread far over the meadows, is seen from the window perfectly smooth and full of reflections. What lifts and lightens and makes heaven of the earth is the fact that you see the reflections of the humblest weeds against the sky, but you cannot put your head low enough to see the substance so. The reflection enchants us, just as an echo does . . .

  At 5 P.M. I saw, flying southwest high overhead, a flock of geese, and heard the faint honking of one or two . . .

(Journal, 5:516-518)

Channing notes in his journal that Thoreau visits him in the evening (Channing MS).

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