the Thoreau Log.
23 June 1861. Red Wing, Minn.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  Leave St. Paul for Red Wing at 9 ½ A.M. Get to Red Wing at 2 P.M. (Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 23).

Horace Mann Jr. writes to his mother Mary:

  We went to the Merchants Hotel and staid over night, and started in the morning at 9:30 to come down here and arrived a few minutes after 2 P.M. We got a room at the Metropolitan House which is right on the landing and then went up on top of the Red-wing bluff which is about a dozen rods off and I can look right at it out of this window. I see three ladies on top of it now… We found a strawberry and a pigweed upon it besides other plants… We think of returning home from here through La Crosse, Milwaukee, Mackinaw, Detroit, Hamilton, Ogdensburg and home, though we may vary it more or less as we feel at the time. I do not know as I have any more to say except that I am very well, and Mr. Thoreau is getting along pretty well.
(Thoreau’s Minnesota Journey, 56-58)

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