the Thoreau Log.
23 January 1850.

Concord, Mass. Thoreau lectures on “Cape Cod” at the Unitarian Church for the Concord Lyceum (Studies in the American Renaissance, 1995, 185-186).

Lincoln, Mass. James Lorin Chapin writes in his diary:

  Have been to Concord this evening and heard a lecture upon Cape Cod from Henry D. Thoreau. His ideas are strange, many of them, yet I think he had been any other than a “native” of Concord he would have been well liked by most of the people. He gave a graphic description of the wreck of the British Brig, St John which was wrecked at Cohasset last Oct.
(Concord Saunterer, 17, no. 3 (December 1984):25)

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