the Thoreau Log.
22 October 1853. Concord, Mass.

Thoreau writes in his journal:

  A week or more of fairest Indian summer ended last night, for to-day it rains It was so warm day before yesterday, I worked in my shirt-sleeves in the woods.

  I cannot easily dismiss the subject of the fallen leaves. How densely they cover and conceal the water for several feet in width, under and amid the alders and button-bushes and maples along the shore of the river,—still light, tight, and dry boats, dense cities of boats, their fibres not relaxed by the waters, undulating and rustling with every wave, of such various pure and delicate, though fading, tints,—of hues that might make the fame of teas,—dried on great Nature’s coppers . . .

(Journal, 5:442-447)

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